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Making a New Years Resolutions for Your Dog

07/01/2019 - Welcome to Best Behaviour Dog Training

It’s a tradition to use the first weeks of January to set goals for the year ahead. Usually the goal centres on wellbeing and involves lifestyle tweaks to bring it to fruition. Eating more healthily or taking up a new hobby spring to mind. But what about your dog? Are there any lifestyle changes that could improve wellbeing for your canine companion? In this two-part blog we’re looking at New Year’s Resolutions that will make life better for your dog.

Get Fit With Your Dog

Getting more exercise is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. I’m absolutely convinced that if your dog could speak, more walks/play/fun would be in his top 10 requests too.

A 15 minute plod round the block may feel like a chore for you but it’s like party time for your dog. And we all like a good party. Dogs use his uber-sensitive noses to find out what’s been going on since the last walk. It’s the equivalent of a human checking social media or watching the news on TV.

A good walk is also great for your dog’s heart health, joint mobility and believe it or not, digestive health too. So why not introduce at least one adventure walk into your weekly routine? Go to the park instead of round the block. Head out to the woods or even to the coast.

If dodgy doggy antics are putting you off enjoying more walks, why not make your New Year’s Resolution to tackle the challenging behaviour with the help of a dog trainer.

If long walks are not your thing, you could put aside an hour a week to bring your dog to Agility classes. Dog Agility classes are the equivalent of the gym for your canine chums and, as a bonus you get to do some light cardio work too. Agility exercises a dog’s body and mind at the same time. It builds strong bonds between dogs and owners and is a great place to meet like-minded dog owners. Most importantly, your dog will love you for it.

Not sure if you or the dog are fit enough for Agility? Try Hoopers. It’s lower impact and perfect for younger, older and less healthy dogs. With Hoopers, the owners tend to use distance commands – so you don’t need to be running around as much as in agility.
Improve Your Dog’s Mental Health

Wellbeing is not just physical, it’s about mental health too. Happy, confident dogs are just as happy left alone for short periods of time as they by your side. They settle quickly in any situation – for example in a pub or café, at a friend’s house or even travelling in the car.

A lot of dogs suffer from anxiety or phobias in the same way that some people do. An anxious dog may get upset when left alone in the house. It may be afraid of things like loud noises, other dogs, new people, bicycles, horses, cars or a host of other things. Anxiety in dogs often manifests itself in different ways.

  • Shaking
  • Hiding
  • Salivating
  • Panting
  • Yawning
  • Aggression (If I snarl at the scary thing it will go away)
  • Destructiveness (chewing and/or ripping are forms of self-soothing)

Make 2019 the year that you start to improve your dog’s mental health and wellbeing. Trust me, it will make an enormous difference to your life too.
Our team of dog trainers and behaviourists are here to help you identify and solve your dog’s problem. We show you how to use kind and gentle training methods as a kind of therapy to retrain your dog’s brain. Most of our clients tell us that dog training is a fabulous stress buster for themselves as well as theirs dog.

What will be your new year’s resolution for your dog?

More ideas and suggestions in the 2nd part of our blog

Find out more about dog training to improve mental wellbeing here  

Discover Hoopers – a low impact and fun dog activity

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