Part of our power hour series - Rocket Recall dedicates an hour to getting the best recall possible and topping up your training
Power up your recalls and work on
Making recall fun for your dog
Simple exercises to make you the centre of your dogs universe
Troubleshooting when it goes wrong
Keeping your dogs attention for a quick recall
Classes held at
Colchester North / Ipswich South - Great Gilbert Farm, Bluegate Lane, Capel, IP9 2JX
What to bring to class:
- Flat collar or harness (Choke chains, prong collars are not permitted)
- Standard lead (not extendable)
- A long line maximum 5m
- Lots of yummy treats cut into small pieces (Around 200-300 pieces). Thinly sliced hot dogs are great for training
- Poo bags
- Please email a copy of your dogs vaccination certificate to [email protected]
- Please dress for the weather conditions, to ensure you and your dog are comfortable throughout the session. We train in all weathers. REMEMBER, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!!!!!!
Water and water bowls are provided, but if your dog prefers their own please feel free to bring that as well. We recommend not feeding a morning meal, or at least reducing it, as the training is reward based and their tummy’s will fill up quickly!!!