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Why Every Dog needs a Dogversity Dogree in Lifeskills

18/03/2021 - Dog Training Advice

Dogversity has been a lifeline for many dog owners during lockdown but its success stems from a great deal of pre-COVID innovation and preparation. Here’s why every dog needs a Dogversity Dogree.

  • Helps to prevent lifestyle limiting behaviours such as anxiety, pulling on the lead, jumping up and aggression
  • A great way to prepare dogs for life after lockdown
  • Allows dogs and their owners to build strong, rewarding, life enhancing bonds.
  • Fits into any lifestyle
  • Ideal enrichment activities to help improve your dog’s mental health.
  • Suitable for any dog - no matter how young, old, big, small, hairy, shy or enthusiastic
  • Fun for the whole family
  • Plenty of opportunities to develop lifeskills at his or her own pace
  • Home based training - no training classes to attend - ideal for reactive dogs or busy dog parents who can’t make it to group sessions

What is Dogversity?
Dogversity is an online education centre for dogs and their human families. Structured video tutorials can be screened to your TV, computer or smartphone on demand. You choose what to study with your dog as well as when and where to work through the lessons.
Each video is bursting with information about how dogs learn, how to train different behaviours and what to do if your training techniques don’t seem to work. All training is 100% force free and is based on rewarding your pet for getting things right.
But don’t imagine for one moment that you will be unsupported. Unlike that well known video hosting site, Dogversity tutorials are backed up with personal support from your tutor and you will be welcomed into a lively community of like-minded pet parents on Facebook.
Your tutor is Zoe Willingham, a highly qualified dog trainer and canine behaviourist who enjoys nothing more than helping animals to live their best lives. Zoe holds numerous qualifications and accreditations in animal science and behaviour. When you follow Zoe’s dog training advice, you can be confident that you are providing your pet with every opportunity for a happy and fulfilling life.
Why Choose Dogversity?
With the advent of COVID, many dog trainers took their business online. Most were able to offer a mix of zoom calls, facebook live sessions and hastily recorded video demonstrations.  Dogversity went live long before the pandemic turned our worlds upside down and is the result of a great deal of planning and preparation.
Each tutorial has been carefully structured to deliver a lot of information in a short space of time. The tutorials were all professionally filmed at Zoe’s own training ground in East Anglia and have been carefully edited so that you see dog training as it really is - warts and all.
Zoe’s 15 rescue dogs are the stars of the show. Each one is at different stage of their training journey and they all have different stories and distinctive characters. These are genuine training sessions being filmed - they are not staged using experienced dogs to make it look good. The dogs on the video are making similar mistakes to the ones your own dog might make - and Zoe shows you how to overcome those little hiccups. Don’t forget that at Dogversity you will also have regular contact with a real live human dog trainer (Zoe) where you can get answers for all of your dog training questions.
As you work through the tutorials, you can apply for a Dogploma, Dogree or a Dogtorate qualification for your pet. Zoe will assess your pet’s talents via video and you will receive a well-deserved certificate to show what you have achieved.
When Should Your Dog Start Dogversity?
The simple answer is “NOW!”.  There are no criteria for signing up to Dogversity. In fact you can start learning before your new pet joins your family. Our “Puppy’s First Steps” tutorial helps you prepare your home for your fluffy bundle and introduces you to the solutions for the joys and the challenges of life with a baby canine.
No matter what Lifestage your dog is at, Dogversity is here to support his or her learning, encourage good behaviour and help your whole family enjoy life with your pet.
Take a look at the Dogversity prospectus and call Zoe for an informal chat about which dog training tutorials are right for you. 
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