For those of you attending classes or doing training with your dog, home made treats are a great way to keep them motivated and rewarded. Here's a little recipe for some yummy liver cake:
1 lb (450g) lamb or pigs liver
1 lb (450g) plain or granary flour
3 eggs
2 cloves of garlic (optional)
One teaspoon of oil (vegetable or sunflower)
Dash of milk
1. Liquidise liver with eggs, milk, oil and garlic in blender.
2. Add to the flour and mix together.
3. Put into an oven proof dish and cook on 180 degrees for about ten minutes.
4. The cake should bounce back when pressed lightly, when cooked.
5. Cut the cake into small chunks and bag it.
Liver cake can be frozen so you can thaw and use at a later date.
Now you have some yummy treats - don't forget to book training!
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