In Ipswich and Stowmarket area?
You can still train and book with us NOW - this is how.
1. Choose the class day and time you would have booked, as if you were coming to a face to face class. Select your classes from the calendar. (We are doing it this way so as soon as we are allowed to train face to face you already have your places booked in the physical class you want to attend for the remainder of your 6, 10 or 20 week booking)
Heres where to book this:
2. Whilst we are in lock down, once booked for that week you will be given instant access to our online training class group. (Did you know we have been training online since last year so you are assured of professional online training)
Instead of your face to face class you get:
Although we can't meet you face to face right now, this is absolutely as close as you will get. This makes this an incredibly good value for money training package and means as soon as we can go face to face you already have your place.
Book here:
Copyright © 2024 Best Behaviour Dog Training
Registered No. 12954178
Registered address: Poplar Hill, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 2AX
Website design by Upshot Media Ltd