Puppy & Dog Training Classes, Agility, Scent Detection, & Masterclasses


Pippa joined Best Behaviour Dog Training as a young puppy and attended classes before we were locked down. When in lockdown Pippa joined our online training as well. 
After Lockdown Pippa resumed puppy and dog training classes to complete her 44-week puppy training programme.

As well as puppy training Pippa got involved with the plethora of classes we offer such as scent detection, and masterclasses and then as Pippa became an adult dog she ventured into agility and she is pretty good at it.
Because Pippa did all the foundation training it is so much easier to train to anything we ask of her, she is a joy to train.

It's fair to say Pippa's mum is very proud of her achievements and we are proud to have been part of her life for so long.

Dog's Name Pippa
Age 2 yrs
Breed Golden Retriever
Sex Female


Pippa joined the puppy classes to learn
  • Recall
  • Lead Walking 
  • Basic manners
What she actually came away with was much more. Pippa learnt to engage with her humans, be a loving part of their family and a really well behaved dog in all social settings. Pippa regularly visits the pub - she takes her humans too because they are well behaved as well!!


Pippa joined Best Behaviour Dog Training to do puppy training, but as soon as her mum could see the amazing results of the training she could not help herself but to rebook.

Once Pippa was excelling at the training, Pippa showed huge potential to do a lot more and then attended some of our gun dog led masterclasses and learnt how to sniffer dog like a metropolitan police dog through our scent detectives, sniffer dog course.

With Pippa being so bright and enjoying doing training and activities, she went on to start agility and is doing amazing at this. Pippa is also about to start gun dog training to learn to work to whistle, retrieve and work on a beating line. We will be offering more and more courses for dogs like Pippa that want to be lifelong students.

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Registered No. 12954178
Registered address: Poplar Hill, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 2AX
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